This market strategy is also evident in our "association vs. gov't" where everything was about the money. We as a profession have done nothing but to do ourselves a disservice by focusing on compensation instead of actual quality.
We absolutely need a shift in thought to better education at ALL levels. I am finding it increasingly embarrassing the "Walmarting" of the education system. There HAS to be a better way.
I'm hoping that the current economic meltdown can make the average person realize that many things should not be run by 'market' forces. Some things should not be and can not be quantitatively judged! Everything has been about statistics and we have manipulated the numbers like every 'good' hedge fund manager of the last 10 years. I've been thinking that we have become our own Ponzi Scheme and the house of cards will collapse upon ourselves.

Are the indicators out there already?
Lack of respect for the profession...
Focus on 'things'...
A shift HAS to occur and it must happen soon!
photo courtesy: dhamzza
It scares me a bit to read posts like this. I am embarking on what your province began years ago here in Saskatchewan. The emergence of standardize testing is becoming a serious threat to what I call, teachability.
Very soon I see our teachers afraid to take risks, assess students needs and teach to the needs of the student. And rather, teach to the market to save our a$$es.
I hope you Albertans figure out a better way soon, and maybe Saskatchewan will go back to what was already working.
There are of course better ways. I watched part of a DVD on line at a conference before it broke down by a well known PhD British educator who was advocating "creativity" as the corrective to our de-educational system. He believed as do I that children are born with a huge capacity for originality and the edu-factory slowly deflavourizing them until they are compliant drones.
I witness this every day. Here in Ontario they are taught that creative writing is like making a cheese and ham sandwich which will prepare for Tim Hortens but not a satisfying world.
by the way I'm back like H1N1-
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