Monday, January 26, 2009

Moving Forward

The last few weeks of a semester are always a mad house. Teachers are stressed about deadlines and too often are reflecting on what went wrong over the semester. Students are worrying about exams and final projects. It is important that we focus first on our successes.
  • What worked well?
  • Was there a student we were able to connect with?
  • Was there a colleague that benefited by a little collaboration?
At the same time people often learn most about themselves through our tragedy and failures. The speedbumps slow us down and should give us the opportunity to reflect.
  • What didn't work? Why?
  • Was there a student that you didn't connect with? Why?
  • Was there a colleague that irritated you? Why
I know that I often can only see what did not work and I have to force myself to investigate and delve onto the "why". Was it the result of poor planning? Were there personality conflicts? However, one must always know they have the power to adapt and change and one must prevent making the same errors over again.

Intro Rocky inspiration....

Moving forward...
Pick ourselves up...
Dust off the dirt...
Build on our successes...
Help those on the same journey...

While I am reflecting I can take pride on my successes over the past semester. I can build on those successes. I can learn from the failures, mistakes and speed bumps.

I want to thank my PLN! You were all helpful and inspiring and you keep me moving forward.

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